im a newb and need help

So i am trying to Write an application that asks a user to type A,B,C, or Q to quit. When the user types Q the program ends. When the user types A, B , or C, the program displays the message "Good Job!" and then asks for another input. When the user types anything else, issue an error message and then ask for another input.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main ()

char userResponse=0;
cout << " Please enter A B C or Q to quit"<<endl;
cin>> userResponse;

while((userResponse != 'A') && ( userResponse != 'B') && (userResponse!= 'C')
&& (userResponse != 'Q') && (userResponse != 'a') && (userResponse != 'b')
&&(userResponse != 'c') && (userResponse != 'q'))
{cout << "Invalid response!!!"<<endl;
cout<< "Please enter A B C or Q to quit"<<endl;
cin>> userResponse;}

while ((userResponse == 'A') || ( userResponse == 'B') || (userResponse == 'C')
|| (userResponse == 'a') || (userResponse == 'b') || (userResponse == 'c'))
{ cout<< "Good job you entered " << userResponse << endl;
cout << "You can enter A, B , or C again or any other key to quit!" << endl;
cin >> userResponse;}

return 0;

My question is.. In my 2nd While loop is there a way that I can queue Q to quit rather then just any other key then A, B, OR C? The first loop works correctly but I cant seem to do it for then second one.. I can only get it to be any key to quit!! Sorry i been only programming 2 weeks and just cant seem to figure it out lol..
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You only need to test for 'Q' or 'q' in the condition of the while loop. If it sees a q, it will end, so it's more of

while (userresponse != 'Q' || userrespense != 'q' )

Then within the body of the while loop, get input, test it for valid response, but keeping q out of it so it doesn't give an error response.

This should give you only one loop to deal with.
I would suggest only using 1 loop. The logic goes something like:

get user input

while ( user input is not equal to 'Q' )
     if ( user input is valid )
          tell user he did a good job
          tell user his input is invalid.

    get next user input
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