Terminating program too soon

Why does my program terminate when the user puts in his input? I have it so that the user puts in the number that is next to the subject in math they need help on and it takes them to the function where it'll have all the things they need and such. I am a noob at this and I need some help please somebody help!

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

void Multiplication();
void Division();
void Addition();
void Subtraction();
void Area();
void SurfaceArea();
void Volume();

int main()
cout << "Welcome to your very own Homework helper!(math edition)" << endl;
cout << "Choose subject in math that you would like us to help you with." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;

int choice;

cout << "[1] Multiplication" << endl;
cout << "[2] Division" << endl;
cout << "[3] Addition" << endl;
cout << "[4] Subtraction" << endl;
cout << "[5] Area" << endl;
cout << "[6] Surface Area" << endl;
cout << "[7] Volume" << endl;

cin >> choice;

case 1: void Mltiplication();

case 2: void Division();

case 3: void Addition();

case 4: void Subtraction();

case 5: void Area();

case 6: void SurfaceArea();

case 7: void volume();

default: cout << "Error* Type in the number next to the the subject in math in which you want help in." << endl;


void Multiplication()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;

void Division()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;

void Addition()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;

void Subtraction()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;

void Area()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;

void SurfaceArea()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;

void Volume()
cout << "Program not yet developed." << endl;
When calling functions you do not need to specify their return type, so get rid of the "void" on all of the switch statement cases and it should work correctly.

(Also on case 1 make sure "Multiplication" is written correctly)
To elaborate on what James2250 said, your switch statement contains function declarations and not the function calls you meant to make.
Thanks guys I really appreciate it, I am a beginner so I'm not too good with this stuff. Oh and thank you James2250 for reminding me how to spell Multiplication :P
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