What is an example of entry level coding? What would you work with on a job?

So I am sort of familiar with for, do-while loops, operators, variables, declaring variables, switch statements and a few other small things.

There is an open house coming up in a week where they even invite people who have never programmed in their life. They choose people at the open house to go into a two month program where they train them to start working as entry level .NET and SharePoint developers.

So what I'm wondering right now: Can anyone post some examples of what type of work you would likely be working on if you are an entry level programmer at a job? I've tried Googling different things and can't find anything.

I'm looking for example of code, or what types of things I would be coding if I were to go to my first week on the job at my new .NET or SharePoint developer job. I'd like an idea of how much coding I'd really need to know, and see how foreign it looks to me.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys.
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