Using Functions and arrays

Driver's license exam has 20 multiple choice questions. I have the questions and answers. The program should store the correct answers in an array. Then it should ask the user to enter the student's answers for each of the 20 questions and the answers should be stored in another array. After the student's answers have entered, the program should display a message indicating whether the student passed or failed the exam. (A student must correctly answer 15 of the 20 questions to pass the exam.) It should then display the total number of correctly answered questions, the total number of incorrectly answered questions, and a list showing the question numbers of the incorrectly answered questions. I really need help with this program. *HELP
Store users answers in array.
When user has finished:
  set score to zero
  For each element in array:
     if user answer == correct answer, add one to score
If score > 14, user has passed.
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