Assignment help!

We received this assignment today and I cant find a way to start it. Any help is appreciated!


(1) Generate a data file to record students' grades.
Allow users to enter file name of data file; id, name and grade for each student as well as the total
number of students. A header should be shown in the data file as follows. Here is an example of the dada file.


01 Mary 100.00
02 Tom 98.35
03 John 88.99

(2) If the grade is <0 or >100, ask users to re-enter the correct grade.

(3) After the data file is generated, read the file and print the content to the screen.

1. We are not here to do your homework for you.
2. Post what you have worked on so far and we will help you with that.
3. We do NOT write code FOR you.
he's totally right. But if you have any questions on source code as itself, there'd be no problem.
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