Calculate multiple entries which are undefined

//I need to write a program that calculates total calories eaten in a day using
// WHILE loop and the For loop
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int numberOfItems;
int count;
int caloriesForItem;
int totalCalories;

cout <<"How many items did you eat? ";
cin >> numberOfItems;
cout <<endl;
cout <<"Enter the number of calories in each of the ";
cout << numberOfItems << " items eaten: " <<endl;

cout << "Enter Calories for Items: ";
cin >> caloriesForItem;

//while (numberOfItems = 0)
//cout << "Nothing Eaten" <<endl;
for (count = 0)
totalCalories = caloriesForItem * numberOfItems;
//cout <<endl;
cout <<"Total calories eaten today = " << totalCalories <<endl;
return 0;
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