a little question to start programming:)

hello, i want to learn c++ but before i begin, i would like some advices on how to plan my reading...(what to read first, what are the most inmportant for a beginner etc). Your answers would be very useful.
yours sincerely, vthimis:)
There's a good tutorial on this site if you are familiar with programming in general:

If you want a book, I've heard that "C++ Primer" is excellent (be careful though because I've heard "C++ Primer Plus" is bad)
I would say go by the queue like this sites tutorial gives you. http://cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/

I think the most important stuff are:
variables, functions, vectors (arrays), dynamic memory, pointers.

After that, you'll probably know what you need next.
I'd say start with online tutorials.


Please, I beg you, start with a command line compiler/linker and for the first fortnight don't even look at an IDE.

The knowledge you will gain about what's actually happening to your text files to turn them into a working program will make life so much easier for you and everyone else; you will never be stumped by "undefined reference" or "duplicate symbol" and you'll have an instinctive understanding of what actually happens to your header files and source files.

This, depressingly, will put you in the top 20% of programmers.
thank you sll for your answers:) mochops can you explain me please what a command line compiler/linker is?:/
A compiler takes your text files as inputs and produces object files from them. A linker, links object files together and give you an executable binary file. You should learn how to use a compiler and linker, rather than letting an IDE (integrated development environment) to handle compiling and linking for you. At first, it may look harder for you, but in the long run, It would help you a lot to understand how each stage of compilation works.
any good to install?:) what you propose?
If you are using unix like operating systems, gcc is all you need. You can check here: http://gcc.gnu.org/ .But if you are using one of microsoft's operating systems, someone else better answer your question.
i have windows xp...unix is too far for me now://
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