Urgent help required!

Hey everyone

Im VERY new to C++ programming and as part of my electincal engineering HND I have to tackle a C++ module but I urgently require some help with the following questions:

1.1. Program 1:

a. Generate a list of sine and cosine values for angles from 0O to 360O using float (real) data types.
b. Use looping structure such as for and while statement.
c. Use simple input and output statements

1.2. Program 2:

a. Generate a list of complex numbers using the following limits:
i. Real values from 0.0 to 10 using a step of 2.5 (2.5 increment).
ii. Imaginary values from 0.0 to 10 using a step of 2.5 (2.5 increment)
b. Calculate the amplitudes and the angles in degrees
c. Use simple input and output statements

For both programs, provide program’s lists, input/output data files and screen shots of running programs

I know this sounds ridiculous, but anyone has the time and patience to carry out these tasks and provide them for me I would really appreciate it.

I see,

Well can you tell me where to start or point me towards tutorials that might help?

Sorry for not reading the rules thoroughly :)

This site has a great tutorial:
Pick something you don't understand and read it.

So, what exactly are you stuck on?
Actually the tutorial here is quite a good introduction and has everything you need (besides the math skills) to complete your assignment. It's quick to go through but please take the time to practice actually coding some of the examples.
BTW, I HIGHLY suggest you take your programming skills seriously. I still wish (@ 50 years old) that I would have followed my father's advice and hit the CS as hard as the EE. Unfortunately back then I had to learn COBOL (which apparently stands for COmpletely BOring Language). You literally can't do without this stuff these days. Coding skills == Value to Employers
Thanks for the tips, what is EE?

I dabbled with C earlier in the year and found somethings more easier than others but my ability to take in all the info when it comes to programming is lacking and I really do struggle and cannot abstract as well as others.

I will look at the tutorials and hopefully get on with my assignment!

Thanks for the tips, what is EE?

Electrical Engineering! But I actually spend at least 50% of my time these days writing code. EE is mainly a job where you design a circuit full of FPGAs and DSP chips with maybe a bit of analog on the front end. That part is easy now but writing the VHDL ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHDL ) code to make that cool hardware do anything requires good programming skills.
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