Code screen size

Hi people.

I was wondering if it's possible to run a program widescreen. I found a matrix code and i wish to run it widescreen on my laptop. Where in the code i can find the screen settings to edit them in order to play it widescreen?

code can be found here:
You probably should only change the screen resolution if you are running fullscreen. And any lib that allows you to run fullscreen will also let you specify the desired resolution.

What are you using? DirectX? OpenGL? other?
closed account (D80DSL3A)
The code uses OpenGl.

I found this code in the WinMain() in the file main.cpp
line# 663 if(!CreateGLWindow(NOM_APP_FENETRE,1024,768,32,fullscreen))
and line# 701 ReSize(1024, 768);.

I suppose you could try changing the width and height parameters in these function calls and see what happens! My standard width monitor screen is set at 1024x768 resolution so what he as here is just right for mine.

Too bad all the code comments are in French. Oddly though, because it's about programming, I can kinda get the gist of a lot of them.
Hi, I tried changing the numbers on those lines and it kept the same. I forgot to tell that my screen resolution is 1366 x 768 so it is a 16:9 apsect 1024 x 768 is a 4:3 aspect like 800 x 600. Do aspect ratio has to do something with this?
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