Hello everyone! I've read some posts about PlaySound function but I have a question. Where can I get the winmm.lib library? (I can't start my program because the compiler says: "[Linker error] undefined reference to `PlaySoundA@12"). I've searched for it in the Internet but I didn't find it. Can someone provide me with it (I use Dev-C++) or just tell me how to get over my problem? Thanks.
I don't know how you add libraries to Dev-C++, as I use Visual Studio. But I think adding #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") at the top of your code works.
Also, I've read numerous times that Dev-C++ is outdated, so you should concider a new IDE like Visual Studio or Codeblocks. They are both free.
OK, but the problem is that I don't have the library file! I've already tried under CodeBlocks and it hasn't the lib file again! I need the "winmm.lib" file, because I can't find it anywhere around the Internet. Thanks for the help.
You need libwinmm.a that can be downloaded from here: http://tdragon.net/recentgcc/
Set your IDE to use this and dev-cpp will be just like any newer ide, not a crap one.