I am writing a program that will simulate a forest fire, I have moved many functions into one larger function called initSim where each should be called in order to get the required inputs from the 'user' and display the forest. When I run the program I do not get any of the questions for the user in the console, and thus the program does not display the desired output.
I do have a bunch of code commented out as it is not needed yet.
I have a screenshot of the output if that would help. But in the mean time here is my code:
** Chris Leonard ~ CpSc246 Spring 2012 ~ Forest Fire Sim **
** Ask user for burn probablility, how fire will spread, **
** and start point. Burn Forest graphically, display **
** report, and allow reset of Forest. **
** Adapted from www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/Fire/ **
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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 30;
const char TREE = '+';
const char BURNING = '#';
const char BURNEDOUT = '.';
char forest [MAX][MAX];
//bool isNeighborOnFire(forest, row, column);
void displayForest(char [MAX][MAX]);
void getInput(int& rowTree, int& colTree);
void getProbability(int& probFactor);
void initForest(char forest[MAX][MAX],int row, int column);
void initSim(char forest [MAX][MAX], int& probFactor);
void printReport();
void printRequired246Headings();
void updateForest(char forest [MAX][MAX]);
void wait(float seconds);
************************************************* M A I N *
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int main()
int probFactor;
initSim(forest, probFactor);
//displayForest(forest); call it from burn simulation module and results module
//isNeighborOnFire(forest, row, column)-called from somewhere else.
cout <<"\n\n*--Normal Termination--*\n";
/******************************************* initForest ***/
// Initialize Forest with "trees"
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void initForest(char forest [MAX][MAX], int row, int column)
for (int r = 0; r < MAX; r++) //Initialize row[0] and row[29]
for (int c = 0; c < MAX; c++) //Initialize column[0] and column[29]
if(r == 0 || r == (MAX - 1))
forest[r][c]= ' ';
else if(c == 0 || c == (MAX - 1))
forest[r][c] = ' ';
else if(r == row && c == column)
forest[r][c] = BURNING; //Set start point of burning tree
forest[r][c] = TREE; //Initailizes remainder of array
}//end for column loop
}//end for row loop
/************************************** displpayForest ***/
// Displays the Forest
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void displayForest(char [MAX][MAX])
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
cout << "\n";
for (int j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
cout << forest[i][j];
/********************************************* getInput ***/
//Get user input for row and column of tree to start burn
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void getInput(int& rowTree, int& colTree)
// Input from user for selection of row and column for start point
cout << "This program will simulate a forest fire based on user input" << endl;
cout << "\nWhat row is your tree in? Please enter an interger between 1 & 28: ";
cin >> rowTree;
cout << "\nWhat column is your tree in? Please enter an interger between 1 & 28: ";
cin >> colTree;
// Validation loop to check if row is within 1 and 28
while (rowTree <1 || rowTree >MAX - 2)
cout << "\nYour tree is not in the forest. Try Again.";
cin >> rowTree;
// Validation loop to check if column is within 1 and 28
while (colTree <1 || colTree >MAX - 2)
cout << "\nYour tree is not in the forest. Try Again.";
cin >> colTree;
/*************************************** getProbability ***/
//Get Probability from User to determine success of fire
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void getProbability(int& probFactor)
cout << "\nPlease enter a probability for the forest fire between 1 & 100: ";
cin >> probFactor;
// Validation loop to check if probability is between 1 and 100
while (probFactor <1 || probFactor >100)
cout << "\nPlease re-enter a probability between 1 & 100: ";
cin >> probFactor;
/************************************ isNeighborOnFire ***/
//Function to determmine is neighboring tree is on fire
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bool isNeighborOnFire(forest, row, column)
int dir = 0; // Set direction to zero
bool onFire = false;
// Declare and initialize a Direction Array for the 8 locations around a tree
int dirAry [8][2] = {{-1,-1}{-1,0}{-1,-1}{0,-1}{0,1}{1,-1}{1,0}{1,1}};
// This while loop scans through the Direction Array to help determine
// the probability of neighboring trees being on fire
while (dir <8 && !onFire)
int r = row + dirAry[dir][0];
int c = column + dirAry[dir][1];
if (forest[r][c] == onFire)
onFire = true;
} */
/************************************** voidWait ****/
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//This function adds a wait time in between the forest update
//void wait(float seconds)
// Stall "seconds" sec by system clock
// clock_t endwait;
// endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
// while (clock() < endwait);
/**************************************** updateForest *******/
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//void updateForest(char forest [MAX][MAX], int probFactor)
// char tempForest [MAX][MAX];
// for (int r = 0; r < MAX -2; r++) //Walk through row to update
// {
// for (int c = 0; c < MAX - 2; c++) //Walk through column to update
// {
// if(isNeighborOnFire(forest, row, column))
// {
// if ((rand()%100)+1 < probFactor)
// forest [r][c] = BURNING;
// }
// else if (forest [r][c] == BURNING)
// {
// forest [r][c] = BURNEDOUT;
// }
// else
// {
// //Else case is tree burned out or empty cell
// }
// }//end for column loop
// }//end for row loop
/********************************************* initSim ****/
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void initSim(char forest [MAX][MAX], int& probFactor)
int rowTree;
int colTree;
getInput(rowTree, colTree);
initForest(forest, rowTree, colTree);
***************************** printRequired246Headings ***/
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void printRequired246Headings()
cout<<"\n\nChris Leonard ~ CpSc246.01 ~ Spring 2012\n";
cout<<" Forest Fire"<<endl;
cout<<" Adapted from www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/Fire/\n\n\n";