Am I able to use C++0x features?

I'm using Codeblocks with the GNU GCC compiler. Does it support C++0x features?

Depends which version of the GCC compiler you have.
If your gcc is less than a few years old, it'll support some subset of C++11.
I don't suppose anyone knows how I can find the version number for my compiler?

I can see the chosen compiler in my compiler settings window, but it doesn't say anything about what version it is.
Enter the command gcc --version into a suitable shell .
I guess that doesn't work in the Windows 7 command window does it?

(PS. I tried it, it doesn't).
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Depends on whether your MinGW bin folder is in PATH.
If it isn't and you installed the C::B+MinGW bundle, then the compiler binaries are located in CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin.
Change to that directory or add it to PATH.

The bundled version is 4.4, by the way.
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If it complains that it can't find the gcc "command", be sure to start the shell in the directory where GCC is in, or repeatedly change directory (cd command) until you're there, where gcc.exe awaits.

The more elegant solution is to: right click
Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables...

Look for Path at System Variables area then edit Variable Value as follows:

Now writing gcc should work in the command prompt, whatever directory you start it in.
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