Class name student

I dont know what to do with this problem, I dont even know where to start. Can someone please lead me through it?

Create a class named Student that has three member variables:

name- String to store the name of the student
numClasses- Integer that tracks how many classes the student is enrolled in.
classList- A dynamic array of strings used to store the names of the classes the student is enrolled in.

Write the appropriate constructors, mutators, and accessor functions for the class along with the following:
A function that inputs all values from the user, including the list of class names. This function will have to support input for an arbitrary number of classes.
A function that outputs the name and list of all courses.
A function that resets the number of classes to 0 and the classList to an empty list.
An overloaded assignment operator that correctly makes a new copy of the list of courses.
A destructor that releases all memory that has been allocated.
Write a main function that tests all of your functions.
start by writing the header file. So a file named XXX.h that contains the functions that you wish the class to be able to carry out. Once you have decided those functions, though they seem to have already been described for you, then you can begin writing them in the definition file. XXX.cxx

A constructor simply initializes your class allocating memory for it and the destructor deletes that memory once the class is no longer needed.

each of these should be written as member functions for the class the can be called in the client program to do as the problem asks.
I dont know how to do that. . .

Well, considering it's an assignment I imagine you're supposed to learn how to do it.
I know that. But how do you learn how to do something if you dont know where to start?
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