Random number between decimals

Feb 4, 2012 at 8:55pm
Hi guys, I am trying to get a random number between two decimals. I have tried the typical modulus between a set but I got an invalid operand of double error.

Can someone tell me what that means? I've looked it up but it isn't clicking, thanks.
while (std::abs(std::cos(BallAngle)) < rand (.8 % .4));
Feb 4, 2012 at 9:09pm
you need to use rand()

this function returns a sudo-random int. That means 4 bytes of random 1's and 0's.

.8%.4 is a bit of a strange equation since 0.8/0.4 is 2.0. Therefore 0.8%0.4 is 0. (as the remainder is 0).

I'm not exactley sure what you are trying to do, but to get a random number between 'min' and 'max' you need to do this:

int min, max;
rand()%(max-min) +min;

This is an integer value. You can manipulate this value as you like to make it into a double or float but until you get this value, you need to treat it as an int.
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