reference places and research

been looking around and I've seen headers that I cant find any reference for -_- the <Windows> header for instance......I dont know whats in it I just know someone told me I needed it to send mouse events to my computer and then they posted a bunch of code explaining how and ect ect but I'd rather be able to find this info myself without having to ask I have a bunch of websites like

and this one but I cant seem to find the info I'm looking for without resorting to forums -_-
so could someone give me some resources like another website with it or a way to get into those header files so I can look at the code or something
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The windows header is pretty standard, you should have it already. I'd take a look to make absolutely certain it's missing, because I can't think of a single reason why you wouldn't. (unless you messed up the install of your compiler, or you brother deleted your includes folder or somthing...)

So to make sure I'm understanding this correctly, putting #include <Windows.h> doesn't work on your comipler?
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no it does work just fine I'd just like to be able to look inside it and see exactly what it holds so that any time I need to use something thats in the windows header ( like makeing the mouse move and click for automating some things ) and I couldent find any place to learn that information or any header for that file, the header file lists I found didnt seem to have alot of the ones I've seen used in tutorials that I've looked at and they did work on my computer so the info was good I just cant find anyplace to learn these headers and what they do

edit: at no point did I say the windows.h didnt work on my computer.....
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Basically what my question was, I was asking if anyone had any references or places of learning that I could use to learn exactly whats in Windows.h and how to use everything in it I'm not asking for handouts of fixes I'm looking for places I can use to learn
....anyone ?
k, thanks ^^
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