English instead of programming

Hi. Who wants to learn programming, please. At the moment I am a practicing developer, a former teacher. My specialty is C, C++, C#, .net (WF, WPF, SL, ADO, ASP e.t.), MS SQL e.t.

Skype Id: igor_shpin
English instead of programming
What does that mean?

What's your concern?
Ok.:) My interest in communicating in English. As my level of English is not very high.

Of course it will be free for you
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I think he means that he want to share his programming knowledge as countermove for helping him to learn better english ;o)

BTW my english isn't good, too.
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My english isn't that great either, but I found that just by spending a lot of time in forums and the like I could get to the point where I could express myself clearly enough for most people to understand what I'm meaning to say.

shadow123 You are completely right! I have good experience of teaching and work experience. I am ready to share it for free, but we need to communicate in English. so we will reap the benefits together.
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