Is there a place where I can play other beginners/amateur's games?

I just started learning C++ on my own, and am particularly interested in making games and what not.

I was wondering if there was a place where I could play other people's/amateur's C++ programs/games. Or just play other C++ games in general.

I'm guessing the reason you want to do this is to see their source code as well? I've been searching around for this myself - I found a few videos on YouTube where they show their code at the start which is good for learning (if their video is of decent quality), otherwise I'm not sure. I'd be interested too.
I've made a few games in my time, and am happy to share them with you, but keep in mind some (well, pretty much all) of these were done with pretty poor programming practice, so don't use these as examples of how to programm well in c++, use them as references for how to draw things to the screen, etc.

All of these use allegro 4.? version, not version 5, and were compiled with DevC++.

If you want some of the things I did in DirectX as well, just ask. But keep in mind they'll be much harder to understand, DirectX can be a pain in the backside, you need about 10 pages of code to draw a blank screen, and another 100 or so for every 1 line in allegro.
Oh, clicky Pencil, if you just started, then it would probably be better to look at some tutorials on C++ first, then on games programming in C++, before looking at some semi-completed projects, especialy mine, as these were made a few years ago, when I had quite a few bad programming habits. You may find them completly uninteligable.

Here's a good tutorial on games programming with allegro, it's the one that I used:
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You can try this game I made with SFML (in C++) in about a week:

Unfortunately, I've lost the source code. :/
I've made some console games and programs. There's an odd one or two without source code. It's not the best coding ever, but hopefully you'll learn something from it. (:

I'm still adding to the site all the time( When I code new stuff, or play around with C++ ).
I've made a couple of games in C++ but my website is down right now. I'll remember to post again when it's back up. Unfortunately, I can't give my source code away because it was for university assignments, so there's a few surrounding complications (people who do the course after me could get similar assignments and I'll have just posted the answers on the net).

Some advice though, as Palm Tree Magician said, you probably want to learn some fundamentals before going on to games programming. Also, it's highly advantageous to have a strong maths skills, especially when you start to work on graphics in your games.

As for "other C++ games in general", it's pretty much industry standard for games to be coded in C++ for consoles and PC. Obviously that's not set in stone (Minecraft, for example, is written in Java), but it's a pretty high rate.

Not sure where you're based, but there's some great course on games programming in the UK right now, with more and more universities starting to see it as a viable career path. I'm in my final year of a Computer Games Software Engineering course and couldn't recommend it enough.
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