Kindly Solve My Simple Questions And Give Answers

Q: 41: Write a program with different variables V1 and V2 and print out it (hexadecimal, decimal, octal) form use one manipulator
Q:42: What is structure and union structure?
Q:43: What is template and write general syntax of templates.
Q:44: How many types of structure?
Q:45: Write the rules for using of Dynamic memory allocations
Q:46: Describe the first parameter to stream insertion<<and stream extraction>> operator function?
Q:47: See the following code segment
Template <class T>
Class myclass
Private :
Write the main function which creates two objects of class for int & double types?
Q:48: If the requested memory is not available in the system then what does calloc/malloc and new operator
Ha! Well, at least you asked nicely... But still, no.
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