Character counting!

Hey guys. I'm using CLR to try and count the number of lowercase, symbols, capital letters, consonants and vowels in a string. I think I've got everything else figured out, but I can't seem to get my program to count capital letters correctly. Here's the code. Thanks in advance.

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
int vowels(0);
int consonants(0);
int nonAlpha(0); // Define 4 variables as int
int totalChars(0);
int uppercase(0);

String^ proverb(L"I'm a |itt|e snowman short and stout, here is my h@ndle, here is my spout ");

for each(wchar_t ch in proverb)
++totalChars; //for each iteration of the loop, this counts ie this = loop counter

if(Char::IsLetter(ch)) //start of loop tests to see if characters in string are letters, else = nonalpha
I think my problem starts here, but I can't figure out quite how to do it
if(ch = Char::ToLower(ch), ++uppercase)
//convert to lowercase and count uppercase?

switch(ch) //switch to check for vowels
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
++vowels; //counts iterations of the loop for vowels

default: ++consonants;
else ++nonAlpha;

Console::WriteLine(L"The string is made up of {0} vowels, {1} consonants, {2} symbols.", vowels, consonants, nonAlpha);
Console::WriteLine(L"The string also contains {0} characters.", totalChars);
Console::WriteLine(L"Additionally there are {0} capital letters.", uppercase);

return 0;


Thanks in advance!
= is assignment, == is check for equality. We all got hit by that at some point. But good job spotting the source on your own. (the ++uppercase should be inside the if block though, not in the condition. I am not sure whether the , operator evaluates to the left or the right side, but I am quite certain that ++uppercase will always be executed no matter what the condition before evaluates to. Besides, it looks ugly.
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Awesome, thanks! Okay so I fixed that, but now instead of counting capitols, it counts the lower case letters in the string.

if(ch = Char::ToLower(ch), ++uppercase)

Now it looks like:

if(ch == Char::ToLower(ch))


Could I use the != operator to give me what I need here? Or do I have to make another loop to filter out my data somehow?

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If you want to count uppercase letters, why not just use Char::ToUpper?
Ha! I just forgot the command! thanks! Brain fart is all!


Figured it out. I couldn't get ToLower or ToUpper to work the way I wanted so I went with another if statement based on the numeric value of capital letters.

Revised code looks like this. Tested it, seems to work!

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
int vowels(0);
int consonants(0);
int nonAlpha(0); // Define 3 variables as int
int totalChars(0);
int uppercase(0);

String^ proverb(L"DiE IN @ fire Stupid!QZXN");

for each(wchar_t ch in proverb)
++totalChars; //for each iteration of the loop, this counts ie this = loop counter

if(Char::IsLetter(ch)) //start of loop, tests to see if characters in string are letters, else = nonalpha

if(ch <= 'Z')
++uppercase; //Test for numerical value less than or = to 'Z'


switch(ch) //switch to check for vowels
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
++vowels; //counts iterations of the loop for vowels

default: ++consonants;
else ++nonAlpha;

Console::WriteLine(L"The string is made up of {0} vowels, {1} consonants, {2} symbols.", vowels, consonants, nonAlpha);
Console::WriteLine(L"The string also contains {0} characters (including spaces).", totalChars);
Console::WriteLine(L"Additionally there are {0} capital letters.", uppercase);

return 0;

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