
Hey peoples!

So I've decided to teach myself C++ and I was wondering where to get a compiler program and also which is a good one. I'm kinda diving in head first so any pointers would be great. I already know HTML, actionscript 2.0, and some javascript.

closed account (1vRz3TCk)
Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE

Got to the downloads page and get codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe (I'm assuming you use Windows).

NOTE: The codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe file includes the GCC compiler and GDB debugger from MinGW.

If you are not using Windows, let us know what you are using.

PS. welcome to the forum.
Yeah i am using windows lol

[EDIT]: Also I have found gedit. Going to give that a whirl.
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gedit is just a simple text editor (without compiling) and it looks like it's for linux.
Visual C++ Express:

Code::Blocks: (pro: cross-platform IDE, open-source)

Those are IDE but each includes a default compiler (as stated CodeMonkey). You may also try Eclipse ( but please note that no default compiler is installed with Eclipse (everything is explained on the web page).
i like qt and notepad++

qt -----

notepad++ ------
notepad++ is another text editor, not a compiler.
i like to write in notepad++
compile with qt
im use to linux; writing with gedit and compiling with the terminal .
is there a compiler thats compiles and executes from cmd?
compile with qt

Qt is not a compiler, it's an application framework.

is there a compiler thats compiles and executes from cmd?

Is there one that doesn't?
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