How to print doubles entires without +06e etc.

A smallest question

I want to print doubles entires without +06e etc. after numbers become too big.
If someone can quickly answer what i have to write.

Is it anything with printf accuracy like %0000.000f ?

Thank you
You could try long double. Though, for the majority of floating point numbers, they will continue on forever. So, the range really won't matter that much
I think long double will still output them truncate in that scientific e form. I wnat them to output entire. Is this possible?
Are you wanting to just cut off some of the decimal? You can just use setprecision()
No No no decimal at all I want non deciaml numbers to appear entire and not be trunked in the scientific form +06 e and so...

Its so simple, the same simple must be the solution
WOW wonderfull its all i need! Which of them would fit best ?
Its the fixed.

double a=10000000000000;
cout <<   fixed    << a << endl;

You sould add the precision cause fixed set default 6-10 decimals appearance

Thank you very much
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