Change command prompt

I recently found( from Catfish ) a new command promt that I wish to use with Visual Studio Ultimate 2010.

Here's the console:

I can't seem to get it working through the following menu, within VS 2010
Tools -> External Tools... -> Visual Studio Command Prompt

Can anyone tell me how to get it working correctly?

I've tried a few variations of command/arguments.
My current one is:
command: ...exe_dir...\console.exe
argument: /K vcvars32.bat

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Just browse to the executable, and at argument put
-r vcvars32.bat

Edit: wait... after a bit of testing it doesn't work.
Edit 2: got it... at argument put
-r "/K vcvars32.bat"

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Ooo nice find. Gonna get this myself
With the above settings;
command: ...exe_dir...\console.exe
argument: -r "/K vcvars32.bat"

Mine still runs the system cmd prompt.
Windows will always run textmode programs in a cmd interface.

Lo an' behold, echoes from your future...
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It seems to have some problems on my machine, with the way it displays things :/

I'll mark this as solved, and continue using the OS cmd. Still a good console though! lol. And thanks.
Console2 still uses cmd.exe in the background... so it's not a Windows core replacement, you're supposed to start it manually.

Blame Microsoft. They could have made the default Console better, but they didn't.
Yeah, I found another site about it, saying that it had to be started manually. Guess I'll just keep to the default cmd prmt.
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