how to install the library in c++

I downloaded three files, but I dont know how to use them.

* normal.C, the source code.
* normal.H, the include file.
* normal.csh, commands to compile the source code.

This is definitely valid for C and I think also for C++ too

"NORMAL is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version "

You can check out it here

Someone please help me install this, I really need this.

It looks like you just source normal.csh...

> chmod +x normal.csh
> ./normal.csh
"It looks like you just source normal.csh..."

Could you explain it a little more clearly?
Do I need to run one of those to get that installed, or just need to move those files to include directory or somewhere?
Or you could just run the commands yourself:
g++ -c -g normal.C
And then move the header to the common include/ directory and the library to the common lib/ directory.

By the way, you should definitely check out the Mersenne Twister. It is the PRNG to end all PRNGs.
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Hi, helios, seems that you also need to deal with random generation thing. I'm in a financial program in NY. C++ is killing me. Could you leave your email to me? Maybe you are interested talking with me.
Here's mine:

By the way

Could you tell me where exactly to excecute this commands

" g++ -c -g normal.C "

or exactly where and how to source normal.csh?

Thanks a lot.

Are you guys talking about how to do it in Unix system?

Sorry, I'm Vista.....

How to do it in Windows system??

You should run a program called in the start menu "command prompt" or something like that ( executable should be C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe )
then run the command you want
My e-mail is in my profile. To access my profile click my name on top of any post.

Yeah, except that script is for a UNIX shell.
If you're not using UNIX, you can just include the cpp, which will in turn also include the header, or you can add the cpp to your project.
Isn't better to compile the library and add it to the compiler's libraries?
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