What is this doing?

I'm maintaining code that I didn't write and there is a struct in which an item is the name of the struct with parens (see below). What is this feature doing?

// A tracker for federates.
struct Tracker
VSAssociatedFederateTypeEnum relation;
VSEntityTypeEnum entityType;
CVSLocalString objectType;
CVSLocalString federate;
typedef std::set<CVSIOSBaseObjectCore*> ObjectSet;
ObjectSet assignedObjects;
long capacity;
Tracker(); <----------- I don't get it.
bool full() const;
long remaining() const;
bool assign(CVSIOSBaseObjectCore* pObj);
bool isAssigned(CVSIOSBaseObjectCore* pObj) const;
void unassign(CVSIOSBaseObjectCore* pObj);
void reset();

It looks like a constructor for the structure.
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