Dissertation Help - Antisaccade task

Hey guys,

I'm fairly new to C++ and I was wondering if I could get a hand with something. I'm trying to write a program that will create something called an anti-saccade task, in which the subject of the experiment would have to look away from the a stimulus, for my psychology college dissertation. The only problem is I'm stuck right at the beginning :(. Any tips?

Thanks guys!

Can you explain more what you need this program to do? I don't know about the others here, but I'm sure not a psych student

Im really sorry i was extremely vague. From what I've researched an antisaccade task requires a participant to look in the opposite direction of a target stimulus. So, for example, on a standard experimental trial a stimulus will be presented to the left of the participants visual field and the participant will have to make an eye movement to the right and ignore the visual stimulus.

This website probably explains it better than I can!


Im really stuck!

Ok and what program are you trying to do for this? From what I've read, this is a test performed in person, and can't really work on a computer screen
This is a test performend in person in which a participant is seated in an eye tracker. The program will need to be programmed with Visage i think.

Participants will be placed in an eye tracker for the duration of the experiment. Specifically the program will produce a cross in the centre of the screen (fixation cross) which participants will look at. After the computer has logged participants fixation on this cross for approximately 300 milliseconds, it will be replaced with a stimulus (a solid square) to either the left or right of the cross. In this task the participant is required to avoid looking at the stimulus and instead look in the opposite direction at the opposite side of the screen. So if a stimulus is presented on the left, the participant is required to break from their instinctual reaction to look at it and instead look to the right. The outputs I am interested in are the speed (milliseconds) of participants eye movement to either the left or the right, accuracy and whether or not the participant corrects their eye movements if they are incorrect. I know this is a lot to ask and might not make sense but I thought it was worth a shot!
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