Need help

Hello everyone, i need some help with a task. It says: Type in integers A and B. Find in wich number,there are less digits 2. Then multiply them. Write a function for each number.

Ex: If A is 242 and B is 200 it should say: A is 4, because 2*2, and B is 2, because 2. If A is 278252 and B is 2424252 it should say: A is 8, because 2*2*2 and B is 16, because 2*2*2*2.

Anyone could help me? Could anyone write an algorythm for this task?

P.S Sorry for my bad english.

Turn number into string.
Check each element of string, keeping track of how many times "2" occurs.
Output 2 to the power of that number.

What's the correct output for 345? 0 or 1?
So, how to turn numbers into strings exactly?
Might be easier to check the digits directly, rather than taking the string route.

You can check the lowest digit by using "A%10" ("A mod 10", a.k.a. "the remainder of dividing A by 10", being the lowest digit in base10); you can go to the next digit by dropping the last one ("A/10") and checking the lowest digit again. Check each digit; if it's two, increment a counter. In pseudocode:

for each digit {
    get lowest digit;
    check if 2 -> increment counter.
    drop last digit;
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