need help to understand const pointers

i just stumbled over the following article: unfortunately, the explanations are not so well-detailed, so i am looking for more information where the details more described and more in depth ... do you know any good resources like videos or something like that?
About a third of the way down this article gets to const pointers.

Basically, all a const pointer is, is a pointer that points to one address in memory, and cannot be changed. Arrays are an example of const pointers. You have to be careful with using them though. If it points to an object that gets deleted, you could have some issues.

I'm sure some of the more senior people in here could explain in more depth if need be
Well I don't know the article but there are many articles over the net about const pointers, pointers to const content and their combination. I guess you have some question somewhere there.

Check for example see:

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