code problem help needed

having difficulty with my code , the user is suppose to input a character and then move it , up , down , ;left and right using the keys : i,j,k,l on the keyboard. however so far with my code it just moves to left no matter what key i press.

here is my code so far :


using namespace std;

int main()
CursorController crs;
ColourController cl;

int Number;// the number of stairs
int Amount = 1; // this is the amount of x it will add to the line

string A;// this is the variable for the character
char movementi = 'i' ;// this is the variable to move the character
char movementk = 'k';
char movementj = 'j';
char movementl = 'l';

double xval ,yval;
xval= 2;// the set x postion coordinates
yval= 3;//the set x postion coordinates

cout << "Enter in how many 'stairs' you want" << endl;
cin >> Number;
cout << " now enter a special character to move up and down the starirs \n";
cin >> A;

for(int c = 0; c < Number; c++)
for(int d = 0; d < Amount; d++)
cout << "*";//the charater for the stair

cout << endl;
Amount +=1; //Adds 1 'X' after every new line

while( movementi =='i')
cout << A <<"\n";
cout<< " to move the special character press the following keys \n";
cout<< " press i for up \n k for down \n j for left and l for right \n";// intructions for the keys

while( movementk == 'k')
cout << A <<"\n";
cout<< " to move the special character press the following keys \n";
cout<< " press i for up \n k for down \n j for left and l for right \n";// intructions for the keys

while( movementj == 'j')
cout << A <<"\n";
cout<< " to move the special character press the following keys \n";
cout<< " press i for up \n k for down \n j for left and l for right \n";// intructions for the keys

while( movementl != 'l')
cout << A <<"\n";
cout<< " to move the special character press the following keys \n";
cout<< " press i for up \n k for down \n j for left and l for right \n";// intructions for the keys


return 0;
Why it's moving left, I'm not sure. It should move up, or whatever direction I is supposed to be. You're always gonna be stuck in that loop. movementi is defined as 'i' at the beginning, so it always equals that. Same goes for all your movements.

This actually needs a lot of work. You should write another function for all that repeated code you have. And what is the point of the last while?
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