Where to after (repeatedly) completing the "Basic C++ tutorial" style tutorials?

Gday all,

I am happy with how I am going with console programs; Whilst not mastered, I am happy with my knowledge of pointers/arrays/dynamic memory/fileIO/classes.
I am looking at moving forward to some kind of graphical based program. I am looking at just doing something basic like moving a 2D picture around a screen, then progressing on from there (Looking at basic level games just for fun - not the next big thing, just making a little maze game, adventure game etc)

I am not doing this for a career, more just a hobby to pass the time... Ok - I have searched for tutorials etc. but I am a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of options to branch out from the 'basics'.
I have seen everything recommended from Win32 API, open GL, socket (communicating with other computers? I am assuming starting at console level?) and to console graphics through dev C++. (I am using Dev C++)

What I would really like is some kind of input into a good direction to move in from here I dont really mind too much which direction I go in (ie. if talking to other computers through IP or whatever is a good idea, ill try that)
Has anyone got suggestions on which way I should look (pref a direction that includes foolproof tutorials!)

VERY much appreciated!
I am using Dev C++

If you're using the one from Bloodshed, stop and get something that's not bug-ridden and uses a decade-old compiler.

Do what interests you. You want moving pictures on screen? Then do that. Get one of the widget toolkits that makes such things easier, and go from there. QT and wxWidgets both have a number of simple examples to get started with.
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