One small step.

This is my first post, so I'm not sure of the forum protocol or anything, anyway, here we go.

Apologies in advance if I've missed anything obvious on this site or anywhere else, but I'm silently hpoeful you guys will be a great source of information on the topic, also sorry if this is the wrong area of the forum, as I mentioned above, This is really my first time around here.

Background information: I've been programming in c++ for about a year, maybe a year and a half, and I'm completely self taught (I;ve managed to get my head around 99% of the lessons I've come across). I have limited knowledge in Java and ActionScript 3, but other than that, no experience programming.

I'm interested in moving from just console projects (which is what I have been doing, as you can probably guess), into a program that uses a UI that I personally designed or using graphics that I've created. I'm honestly not sure if I have enough experience or if it's too early for me to even be considering this as I have no teacher to reference or anything.

I was wondering if anyone could point me towards a tutorial or even just an article that explains the start of how to get into this kind of programming. As you can probably guess my main incentive is to create a game of some sort.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help!
You need special libraries to make decent applications.
For a nice gui, see Qt (recommended), GTK, wxWidgets or FLTK.
For something for a game, see SFML (recommended) or SDL.
Ah! thankyou.
i have a follow up question that is somewhat.. uneducated. Is it possible for me to create my own graphics, or do these "libraries" have preset contents.
You make your images, sounds and models yourself, these libraries only help you to load and display them.
Oh perfect! thank you so much!
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