Absolute beggining looking for guidance

Hi, im seriously an absolute beginner to programming. I have taken it upon myself to start studying it and in a way just dove into this world with a book on c++(C++ All-in-one desk reference for dummies) and although im getting along well enough, i want to ask for some help on where to start with programming. Any books or websites that anyone may recommend, im still on the first few chapters(im creating functions right now) but I cant help it feel im missing something. Whenever I go outside of c++ i barely understand anything people are talking about. For example, i can use CodeBlocks pretty well, and im confident with it. but as soon as i open Visual studio im stunned and have no idea whats going on. I tried starting java and i could manage it but it seems completely different and I feel that I truly understand very little about the programming world beyond c++ basics. i guess im just frustrated for the moment, seeing as how i cant make anything of value so far. and im just looking for some help. Much appreciated:)
Hello and welcome,

Java calls for a somewhat slightly different way of doing things than C++, so it'll require to you know some concepts earlier (ex. polymorphism) but may not touch other ones until much later if ever (ex. IIRC, Java does not have a pre-processor while C++ does). I'd suggest learning other languages after you've already learned one. While you would have to un-learn a few ways of doing things, you'll have that much more experience and it'll probably be easier for you.

I... didn't think Visual Studio and Code::Blocks were that different. Huh, either it was just too long ago for me to remember, or they made some big changes between the 2008 and 2010 versions. Either way, if you find yourself liking one IDE, then please don't feel obligated to change it unless there's something really wrong with it. Code::Blocks is a pretty good IDE. :)

As for books and websites... you might find this one useful for learning.

EDIT2: Here are a few exercises you can work through if you'd like:

Happy programming!

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