Code::Blocks Gaming(?)

If anyone here uses Code::Blocks for C++ and has made simple point and click games, or just interfaces, can you inform me how to do so and what type of project it would be?

Reason: I have made a calculator which I thoroughly worked on and had assistance from the people hear at :) But, I would like to take this calculator and putting it onto an actual calculator type image. I know this will be a HUGE transition, but I need this experience for what I want to do next.

Advice or suggestions appreciated!
Depends which OS you are using.. Mac/Linux -- GTK3+.. windows --.. well.. the windows API
Would it be okay if I could view your calculator code?
I'm just curious and it sounds really cool. Did you try searching Google on how to make the transition? I know that's a stupid question but hey' programmers over think and tend to miss simple ideas.
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