Finding the total number of elements declared in an array

If I have declared a char array, e.g., char array[50]; I want to pass this '50' to a function. For example( The blank _ spaces are to be filled by the number I want to pass):
//Header files
void getstr(char[]);
int main()
char name[30];
cout<<"Enter your name: ";
return 0;
void getstr(char a[])
int b[_];
for(int i=0;i<_;i++)
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Not sure what you're trying to do here. Char name(30)? This isn't an array declaration. Are you just wanting to make b the same size as a?
This was a way a had tried to prevent buffer overflow, while accepting strings.
Anyway, I am sorry. that should have been char name[30]. I want the no. of elements/memory reserved for the array.
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