
Hi. When I am trying to draw something it would not draw.
It would expect me to swaf the buffers.
However, it is very inconvinient as it will swap the buffer not once for the specific data I want but for everything.
How can write on the top buffer without swapping the buffers.

note: I have already swapped the buffers in other places. I am doing stuff on the front buffer now.

I am using freeglut.
code please?
AFAIK you always draw in the back buffer and when you call at glutSwapBuffers the 'back' buffer is displayed as it becomes 'front'.
Draw all you want and then 'swap' the buffers only one time (like in the last line of the display callback)
Or you can work with simple buffer.
^ that is what you do. But my last function of drawing is called wheneever user clicks with a mouse. So, the first time user clicks it it comes to front. Second time, it again goes to back. Thats not what i wanted is it
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