Program that edits many bmps by itself quickly?

Hello, before you read this I just want to say that I am a beginner to C++ and that I may sound a little silly in this. Also I appreciate ANY advice you can give me (relevant or irrelevant I'd love to learn anything new). In short I am trying to create a program that can go through a folder full of bmps (or jpgs I just think bmps would be easier to read), read the file someway (maybe hexadecimal), and make it follow a procedure to edit each picture (crop from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), and copy and paste etc..), and lastly save the new finished picture in a different folder and repeat for each picture.
I want to know if this is possible, and if so what level of knowledge is required, and how to find the proper documentation and resources that can help teach me.
Where I was trying to go with this is that I wanted to try breaking down the image in a language that can be edited and saved easily through c++ (hexadecimal maybe?), and moving around and copying the data by saving sections of the data (to create "parts" of the image), and then rebuild a new picture using the reorganized data and saving it in a new file in a new folder.
The problems I encounter are that I don't know what data language can be used to read bmps and how I would reorganize that data to create the new picture. I've been looking around a while but I keep hitting dead ends. Thank you so much for reading this all the way through. Oh and sorry for writing so much :/
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Well you can approach this one of two ways. Firstly you could use any sort of API to load/edit/save images, this would probably the easiest. One API you could use is Directx, if you search I'm sure you can find some other ones. Secondly you write the code for reading and writing images yourself, this would require you to research each individual image type you intend to support and create a file to it's specifications.

Obviously the later will require more work for your end goal, there's no benefit in this case to write your own library so you might as well use one already created.
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