I'm lost and need advice

closed account (9L8T0pDG)
Hello all,

I took a C++1 class and barely passed with a 72%.

Now I am in C++2 and I have an assignment with a class and I have no clue what to do.

I have no clue where to start. I am doubting my knowledge of C++ which is bad to begin with.

What do I do? Should I study all of C++1 and start fresh? How would I even begin to understand procedural C++ when I have object oriented ahead of me?

Thanks. . .
You probably should buy a book like the C++ Primer.
The course reading material in schools and universities is generally substandard at best.
closed account (9L8T0pDG)
I am using Absolute C++ 4th Ed by Savitch.

I also have 4 other books. . .I have no clue why another would help me more.

What does that book have that these don't?

I am not being mean just tired of buying books.

DazednConfused wrote:
Should I study all of C++1 and start fresh?

I think that's a great idea. I went back and restudied the work on some of my courses two or three times. You can never get it all first go and its definitely easier the next time round.
I would start fresh, procedural C++ just means instructions are executed in a top down fashion void of any object oriented design, like C. (EDIT:Structs?! oops xD)

I have OCD about solidifying the basics in my head so it will become second nature to me and I won't run into trouble in the future. Personally, I have read 3 introductory c++ books, and some people may think this is dumb, but I find that I learn new things and sometimes gaps are filled.
Sure I may have read about arrays,c-style strings,references,pointers like 3 times now, but I always learn something new each pass through! :)

Good Luck!
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