programing problem

hi my program is suppose to create a guessing game , however when my game is in action it guess the number and then user always seems to get it in the second go. i belive there may be something wrong my with my while loops please help.

this is the code:
using namespace std;

int main()
int A;
int B;
int C;
ColourController cl;
CursorController crs;
Random guess;
A = guess.get();

cout << " This is the random guessing game please try to guess the computers number\n";
cout << " please enter your number below\n";
cin >> C;

if(C > A)
cout <<" Try Lower please enter again \n";
cin >> C;

else if( C < A)
cout << " Try Higher please enter again \n";
cin >> C;

cout<< " Well done you have guessd correct \n";


return 0;
Remove semicolon in this line
OHHHH sill mistake thank you so much
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