Error compiling

Hello, it's me again.

I'm having 3 new error's that i don't know how to fix them.

c:\Users\utente\Desktop\dev\Sources\7_WorldServer\DPSrvr.cpp(413): error C2065: 'OnReqPVPLIST' : undeclared identifier
c:\Users\utente\Desktop\dev\Sources\7_WorldServer\DPSrvr.cpp(10754): error C2039: 'OnReqPVPLIST' : is not a member of 'CDPSrvr'
c:\Users\utente\Desktop\dev\Sources\7_WorldServer\DPSrvr.cpp(10755): error C2365: 'OnReqPVPLIST' : redefinition; previous definition was a 'formerly unknown identifier'

Here's the file where im getting the error
link removed

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You probably forgot to declare OnReqPVPLIST in the CDPSrvr class header.
Thanks you,
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