GetImage Function

Hello there
GetImage func give up this parameters :

getimage(int left,int top,int right,int bottom,void far *bitmap);

so Getimage save a rectangle shape on *bitmap.
Is it possible that we can save the other shapes except rectangle? circle,or star, or...
please help me
Even though you don't say what library is this function from or what exactly it does, I can tell you, no. Images are rectangular. If you want a weird shape, you'll have to remove parts of the image by making them black or transparent yourself.
how i can transparent blacks?
please show me.
thank you dude
Again, what library is this? What is the format of the bitmap?
You have a pointer to the data of bitmap, so you can manipulate it. Try writing 0 to various bytes of it and see what difference that makes.
it's from Graphic.h library
can u show me how i can save weird shapes by Getimage??
i draw a car in road and i want just move car on the road.but i have prob now because spaces out of car moving with car. i want just move car....
It seems to me that you're approaching your problem the wrong way. I understand you painted a background, then a car and now you want to move that car a bit? The idea is to repaint the whole thing.

Also, graphics.h is very very old. You may want to try a more modern library, like SFML (which is sometimes hard to set up) or SDL (which is not as nice).
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