Moving to Windows programming

I'm about moving to windows programming this weekend and need advices from you.

My skill at the moment is Console Programming.

Now in order to step one step ahead,what knowledge should I revise and what part should I start with ?

Thanks in advance.
What kinf of Windows programming? UI? Windows Service? Just Windows in general? Just able to compile a Windows 32 or 64 bit EXE?
32-bit first I suppose,do I need to have x64 system to program on it ? LOL...

Maybe the difference is how they can handle data,x64 supports 4GB+ RAM for example.
So, all you want to do is compile an executable for windows x86 architecture...that isn't hard, there are plenty of compilers which support this even on linux and mac. ;)
And may I have some good tutorial or books ? I can't find any.
32 or 64 bit EXE?

what's the difference? you just switch to x64 compiler and build the program(in visual studio)
or I'm I missing someting?

I didn't want to emphasize the question of 32 or 64 bit, I wanted to emphasize the question of "do you just want to know how to build for windows (on either of the popular archetectures)?"
I've never been in win programming but it's the head start of making Windows games,which is the target I'm toward.
Oh, just use a platform independent graphics library - don't bother with trying to use native windows stuff unless you have to, it's a nightmare!
Ok and how would I play the game on windows then ? If I use olatform independent libs would I be able to play on Linux and MacOS too ?
platform independent means just that, programs can be used on any platform. not shore about games since allmost all game related libs are for windows.
Platform Independent means you can use the same code to compile for any platform without any changes having to be made.

If your game's code is platform independent you can use it under Linux, Mac, and Windows.

CodeKiddy, have you done any reasearch on "game libs" to be sure of that? Most of the time there are Graphics Libraries and Physics Engines - I've never heard of anything that fits the category of a Generic Game Library.
I don't care about games.
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