Error compiling, fatal error C1070: mismatched #if/#endif pair in file , Any help?

Hello people, I'm new here and this is my forst post. I'm trying to Learn C++ by developing a game. I found this forum, and i hope that someone can help me,

So I'm using Visual studio 2003 with the SP1 installed,

I was trying to add a new "PVP system" to a "source code" of a game.
im getting this error:

C:\Users\utente\Desktop\dev\Sources\_Interface\FuncTextCmd.cpp(5774): fatal error C1070: mismatched #if/#endif pair in file 'c:\users\utente\desktop\dev\sources\_interface\functextcmd.cpp'

Here's my "FuncTextCmd.cpp" :

I hope that someone help me with this.
im sorry if i posted in the wrong section .
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On line 31, you have an #endif that claims to be ending the __WORLDSERVER section, but it is in fact closing the __PVPSystem section. You need to insert an #endif for the _PVPSystem section where appropriate.
@Zhune, thanks.

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Holy lines of code. I cant imagine writing something that long :o
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