Implementation of a Simple Program

Hi to every one
please someone implement this program and i don't know what is this :D
bacause i did not work with c++. and i need your help
please implment this Pseudo-code with C++ as i can Compile this with C++ compiler;
Thank You Guys
it's just 20 lines code:
prog -> VOID MAIN () { dec stmt_list }
dec -> INT id_list ;| ****
id_list -> ID , id_list | ID
stmt -> matched_stmt | unmatched_stmt
matched_stmt -> IF expr matched_stmt ELSE matched_stmt | other
unmatched_stmt ->IF expr matched_stmt ELSE unmatched_stmt |IF expr stmt
other -> ID = expr | WHILE ( expr ) stmt
| DO stmt WHILE ( expr )
| switch
| FOR ( ID = expr ; expr ; ID = expr ) stmt
| { simt_list }
| CIN >>ID
| COUT << expr
stmt_list -> stmt ; stmt_list | ****
switch -> SWITCH ( expr ) { case_list default }
case_list -> CASE expr : stmt case_list | CASE expr : stmt
default -> DEFAULT :stmt | ****
expr -> expr + t | expr - t | t
t -> t * f | t / f | t % f | f
f -> + f |- f : s
s -> (expr ) | ID | NUM
please help me.
i waiting for your answer...

Most of us will not do your work for you.
There isn't much point in asking to do your job. After all you wouldn't get any benefit over this.
You can always ask specific question when you are stuck though.
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