very simple and small

I've been trying to put together a few lines of C++ code to try and make a very simple program. I haven't used this in a long time, but I used to use a freeware program called Bloodshed Dev-C++.

What I want it to do is:
- Block input
- Loop a beep (like a truck reversing)
- Open up a webpage

Can anybody please help me out? I would like to know what the source code for that would be. The times I have tried have resulted in lots of errors ;)

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To block input just means to not take input, which is what happens most of the time.
For the other two, you should search the MSDN Library. Specifically, the functions Beep() and CreateProcess().
CreateProcess() is not particularly easy, but loading a URL is not, either.

PS: "Freeware" and "free software" are not synonyms.
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Whats the difference, just for future reference. I always assumed they were the same.

In a nutshell, freeware is proprietary, which means you don't get access to the code, while with free software you get access to the code, after you pay the price for the software (which, in most cases, is nada).
Your link is more confusing than your explaination... Thanks for clearing that up though.
Hello. to make a something beep you use \a just like you would use \n. And to open a program you can do this. for instance to open cmd you would use system("%SystemRoot%\\System32\\cmd.exe");
not neccesarily if u want only a beep, you can use Beep(XXX,YYY), XXX being the frequence and YYY being the time in miliseconds
wow. how do you use the beep comand. now thats high tech.
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