Technical Error

Hello. I had been making a opengl game. It runs good. However, when i took it to my school, it did not run as expected. Co-ordinates were not in place. It was shifted way right.
How can i solve the problem?
I am using opengl.

Also, how do I make options like:
New Game
and others in Opengl. I am using freeglut.
That's not enough information. What type of game? Can we see code?

As for new games: reset variables, implement the whole game in a function, etc...
And for saving: store all the variable information in a file (perhaps in text format, line or space separated, in a way that would be easy to re-read and load)...
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The code is not relevent here because I am not having any problem. I need to know how it is messing up with the co-ordinates when switching computers.

I know how to save it.
I need to know how to create game menu options in graphics library opengl.

I want those newgame and other options.
What code would you like to see?
I'm not that familiar with OpenGL, maybe see if it has anything to do with the OS or graphics card of the problematic computer. Of course, it's much more likely that there is a problem in the code, something that's not portable. If you're sure that it's not, check with OpenGL's bug reports and see if it isn't already a know problem. There are others on this forum with more intimate knowledge of OpenGL so hopefully one of them can help you with this.
GLUT has a simple menu system, use this to create your game menu

I find it hard to believe that openGL would shift the coordinates

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