hotel reservation

i have 50 rooms in 5 rows and 10 colums { one type include 10 rooms and all other types include 8 rooms}
my qustion is "
1-how i can display the rooms position in the screen
2- i want the user to select a room and book it (how ?)
3- how i can confirm the booking.

(i know its with arrays but i dont know how )
this the qustion
A small hotel has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservation system. You have
been asked to program the new system. You are to write a new program to perform room
reservation. Assume that there are only 50 rooms in the hotel. The rooms can be classified as
standard, moderate, superior, deluxe, suite, studio (http://www.sleepingaround.
com/practical/hotel_room_types.shtml). Each category has its own price.
Design your program with appropriate input. When a visitor wants to book a room,
i. request for the check-in and check-out date and time, number of visitors, and his/her
preferred room category;
ii. indicate the room availability and the location of the rooms;
iii. if the visitor is satisfied with the room location, then confirm the booking; and
iv. upon confirmation, print the payment details and other necessary constraints.
Include iterations to accept more than one visitor for room booking.
Look into array of structures. Do you know about structs?
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