Hello Everyone,
I am trying to understand the programming of Siemens scanner using C++ and given that my C++ skills are limited, I am having problems in understanding many parts of the code provided by the vendor.
I would appreciate some help from C++ experts like you guys.
=====Problem 1 ====================
For instance, the code uses reference (rMrProt) to object MrProt and notations (such as the use of “().” and “()[].”) are very confusing to me.
For instance:
ImageSamples = rMrProt.kSpace().baseResolution()
ImageSize = rMrProt.sliceSeries()[0].readoutFOV()
Some explanation of these statements would be appreciated.
All information regarding object MrProt are in “MrProt.h”, “MrProt.dll”, “MrProt.lib”. All these files have been shared at:
===============Problem 2 ==================================
Also, I have been trying to read MrProt.dll and MrProt.lib without any success. Only now, I came to know of dumpbin. Any help would be appreciated.
==========Problem 3 ========================================================
Another confusion that I have is related to some part of MrProt.h itself. There is a statement in MrProt.h:
class __IMP_EXP MrProt: public MrProtocolData::MrProtDataDelegate
typedef MrProtocolData::MrProtDataDelegate BasicImplementation;
MrProt(const MrProt& rSource);
Here, “__IMP_EXP”, I guess that it’s some compiler specific stuff.. some decoration etc. But, I still have no idea what to make of this.
Thanks in advance,