Stuck on Program...

I am just starting off and very confused on how to create a specific program for class. Could ANYONE Please help?

Thank you for any or all help!

1. WRITE a program in which you create two objects which are instances of a class named Patients.

The member variables of the Patients class are: id, temperature, visit_cost.

Use the dot operator to assign values to the member variables.

Use the dot operator to access the member variables directly.

The member variables are defined as private and the member function prototypes are public.

Use a constructor function to initialize the object.

Provide for appropriate output in the program.

2. The following data is to be passed to the constructors:

hospitalized(5467, 99.4, 55.00)

ambulatory(7645, 98.6, 45.00)

closed account (zb0S216C)
What do you have thus far?

Thats the thing. Its my first week in class and I just do not know where to even begin. I have been sitting in front of my computer non stop all day trying to figure this out and I have to have it finished before midnight.
I'm desperite to get this completed tonight. I tried my very best to understand but have not grasped it yet and time is running out. If theres anything you can do to help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Read this:

And then this:

And when I say read, you should be writing and compiling code in that time, as well as reading and not doing even one bit of copy+paste. When you have read this stuff, try out your code and paste it in here with any problems, if you have any. No-one here is going to just do your homework for you. That's not how to learn.
desperate* (spelled it wrong)
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