face-detection by opencv

i am learning to program java for android with opencv. but i don't understand about lbpcascade_frontalface.xml file. how to write lbpcascade_frontalface.xml file. because i am programming iris- detection. when do person see left or right?
so i want write the cascade file to detect iris.
can you help me.
thank you very much.
Umm, this is a C++ forum... But I guess your doubt would be better (and quickly) answered in the Lounge, or somewhere... This is the C++ beginners section... you might not be replied to, soon...
closed account (zb0S216C)
You're in the wrong forum, Sonny-Jim. I'd either move this thread to the lounge or to a different forum all together. Listen to Caprico.

On another note, constructing an iris recognition system is a complex and time-consuming project. What makes you think Java is capable of handling this?

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