What do I need to know???

Hello I am 13 years old and I wanted to learn C++. I haven't used any programming language before. I just wanted to know what i need to get like good books to learn from or a good compiler to use (I just downloaded Code::Blocks). Most of the information I have got is from http://www.cprogramming.com and the most complicated thing i can do are if statements (And I'm not even ver good at them). And most importantly what else can I do with C++.
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I recommend Absolute C++, C++ Primer Plus 5th Edition and The C++ Programming Language by the author himself - Bjarne Stroustrup. Code::Blocks is an IDE, but has a compiler with it; usually MinGW.

This site and the site you mentioned are good sources.

C++ is a difficult language to grasp but don't be discouraged when things are crawling. We've all been at the beginner stage; we all know what it's like. Take your time and don't rush or things will get complicated quickly.

Here's a tip: Don't compare your self to more experienced programmers; it'll put you off and discourage you when you consider yourself less experienced.

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