I have a Macbook with Microsoft Windows XP installed.
I am attempting to download XCODE compiler and after locating the XCODE and clicking on it, XCODE will not open and a window says that windows needs to be uninstalled to run XCODE.

Should I uninstall the Windows and try to save it on a external hard drive?
Or can anyone recommend a compiler that works on both Mac and Windows?
Does anyone have any other possible solutions?

Thank you.
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...Really, Apple?

I'm pretty sure XCode won't run on Windows, but I've never heard of it not running when Windows was installed in a separate partition and XCode was being run on a Mac. Odd.

If that's really the case, you can just install gcc without installing XCode via this project:

gcc is just the compiler. For an IDE, you might also want to install Netbeans.

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